Watchful Tale

Do you have any collections? Let’s us dive through the world of watches, where time dances gracefully on wrists, and each tick whispers a story. Imagine a sun-kissed morning, dew-kissed grass, and the gentle hum of anticipation as you fasten a watch around your wrist. In the Heart of TimeOnce upon a chronograph, in the […]

Watchful Tale

A Publisher…

Life of a publisher

With as much writing as I do, along with the growing number of projects ready to be printed, I am now waiting to talk to that one key person that can make things happen. I can do the imagining, the writing, and the preparation… but now I need someone to print it out. I may […]

A Publisher…

Life Addiction

Life Addiction

You love them they know,
You can’t help them or let them go.
There will always be need for extra money,
Excuses are always good coated with honey.

They will sell their clothes and their belongings too
Stand still too long and they’ll sell you.
They have no conscience, until
it is too late
When they have time to contemplate.
Always in need, always they want . Sate their thirst you just can’t.
They need the next needle, bottle or gamble.
They’ll threaten you without preamble.
Hide your purse, hide the cash, hide the car keys or you’ll loose them.
Then when that happens they will cover up and lie and swear on your life.
After the lies comes remorse.

The food can go from the cupboards, presents and toys too.
Furniture, clothes nothing is sacred they have no choice the demon in them drives them.
They lose care and love for family and friends.
They take from anyone no amends.
They break your heart it never ends.
Is there hope, well there is some,
Yet so much hard work must be done.
Recovery is hard, even when they are counting the days, weeks or years
You can never relax or banish your fears.
The thought of the demons’ return is ever here,
The next slip is an ever present fear..
You love them so, you help, you sort them out again.
They will bleed you dry and cause
you pain.
With any request for help the fear is always there,
You get to the point where you no longer care.

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